martedì 23 marzo 2010

Curriculum Alberto Barsacchi

Proposed Position In the Project Technical Assistance

1 Family Name: BARSACCHI

2 First Name: Alberto

3 Date of Birth: January 24th 1950

4 Nationality: Italian

5 Civil Status: Married

6 Education / Professional studies:
In 1985 he participated in three courses of a duration of one week each organised by the Progetto Sviluppo of the C.G.I.L. on "Education to world citizenship and multi-culturality". The courses were cofinanced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the objective of creating new professional figures prepared for the cooperation with developing countries.
Afterwards, in 1989 he himself organised in Pisa a course on "Education to world citizenship and multi-culturality" cofinanced by the Region of Tuscany, in which participated the local mayors and professionals working in that field.

7 Language Skills: (Mark from 1 (notions) to 5 (excellent) for competence) (*=mother tongue)
Language Speaking Reading Writing
English 3 3 3
French 5 5 5

8 Membership of Professional Bodies:

9 Other Skills:

Is familiar with the legislation concerning immigrants and the international cooperation regulated by regional, national and European laws.

9 Present Position:
General Director of the Instituition "Centro Nord/Sud" of the Province de Pise.

11 Years with the firm:

12 Key Qualifications:
(relevant projects which he/she has directed or in which he/she has been involved).
Collaborated for two years with the NGO "Cestas" in Bologna on sanitation projects for the Saharawi People.
Collaborated with the NGO "Crocevia" on the drawing up of the project of urbanistic planification in Hebron.
Actually responsible for the multimedia laboratory of the Professional Institute "G. Fascetti" in Pisa, and therefore well informed about modem technologies and their application: video conférences, e-mail, Windows and Office, internet etc.

13 Experience in Specific ACP Countries:

Country : Senegal Date : 1980-Today in several missions
Details: Coordination, Projecy Manager, Tachnical Assistance
Country : Burkina Faso Date : 2000-Today in several missions
Details: Coordination, Projecy Manager, Tachnical Assistance

14 Professional Experience Record:

From 1975 - 1990, elected member of the town council of S. Giuliano Terme
Experiences with the following responsibilities
Assessor for sports, culture, education and social affairs
Assessor for public employment, external services and urbanistics Vice Mayor
From 1980 onwards, he organised the human aid for the Saharawi people, thus becoming responsible for the comittee for solidarity with this people in the Province of Pisa.

From 1990 - 1995, he was Member of the Board of the National Association for solidarity with the Saharawi people and responsible for the national human aid programs. During this period, he organised five caravans of a total of 200 vehicles to the refugee camps in Southern Algeria. Starting from 1980, he went on 18 missions of 10-15 days each to the refugee camps in Southern Algeria, where he organised and supervised, among others, the following projects: construction of a hospital in the tent camp of Dakla; the use of generators to guarantee the drilling of water fountains; setting up of a mecanic workshop to repair vehicles; installation of solar panels. All these projects were carried out maintaining a direct contact to the highest authorities of POLISARIO.

From 1991-1993, lie was President of the United Insitutes "U. Viale", a residence for elderly persons. During his presidency, lie succesfully carried out the plan for financial consolidation and communicated the good practices to the Town of Pisa.

Starting in 1990, when he became councelor of the Province of Pisa, he started to dedicate himself to the decentralized cooperation activating cooperation projects with Senegal, Palestine, Romania and Ex-Yugoslavia, which he followed personally from the initial phase including their financing up to their performance.

In 1994, he planned and organised the Centre for cooperation and intercultural exchange Nord/Sud, pertaining to the Province of Pisa. He directs the Centre in position of delegated President up to now, and follows himself all the activities carried out in the territory of the Province of Pisa in the sector of international cooperation.

As first responsible of the Province, lie maintains direct contacts to the authorities of all the countries that cooperate with the Centre.

He participated in the drawing up of a project of urbanistic planification in the town of Hebron carrying out three missions to Palestine, where he arranged agreements with the Ministry of Cooperation and firmed the final
protocol along with Feisal Husseini. Also, he maintains contacts to the Ministry of Cultural Affairs represented by its General Director regarding the actual project of twinning the schools of the Province of Pisa and Palestine.

In Romania, he coordinated a course dedicated to the professional training of Romanian farmers with the local partner "Free Association of Romanian Farmers", held in Bucarest and Costanza with a duration of 12 days each.

He is working on the promotion of joint venture projects in Romania, Guinea/Conacry and Senegal, and on the elaboration of practices which allow the partners to recieve financing by the European Comission.

He personally knows and tightly collaborates with:
The Italian Abassador in Senegal and several Ministers of the Senegalese government, as well as Senegalese Mayors and Members of Parlament.
In Palestine, with Feisal Husseini, with the director of the Ministry of Cooperation in the person of the General Director for Europe, three Ministries of the Govemment of the Palestine territories, the responsible for the cooperation of the Italian Consolate at Jerusalem, Dott. Sicignano, and the Mayor of Hebron.
In Romania, with the Ministry of Agriculture and the President of the "Free Association of Romanian Farmers"
In Western Sahara, with all the authorities of the POLISARIO including its President Mohamed Abdil Aziz.

15 Publications:

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